Design Thinking
Week 7
Define :
Analyse your observations and synthesis them in order to define the core problems that you have identified up to this point Seek to define your problem statement in a human centred manner.
Impact Goals
Impact is a very loosely used term universally, and can be used to describe an
influence or effect on virtually anything. Taking time to explore and decide on
your impact goals will ensure that you are working towards a particular vision
of success. In the process you’ll uncover expectations for the longer-term
change that ultimately matters as well or more immediate outcomes that we
believe will contribute to that change. It is often these more immediate
outcomes, or smaller shifts in behaviours, that will become the focus of your
design challenge.

Week 10
Brain writing
A silent form of idea generation. Each member gets a sheet of paper. They will
fill in the top row with their ideas. When they are done, they will swap their sheet
with another sheet at the center of the table. This method allows member to
cross fertilise and build on the ideas that were written or they could write new
ideas if they are not able to build.
Brainwriting allows for reflection. It also neutralises the effect a dominant person
might have at the brainstorming table.
Ideas from brainwriting tend to be more elaborate as there’s more time to reflect.
Other people’s ideas can also be used as springboards for their thinking.
Week 11
Storyboarding can be used at the ideation phase when you have developed your shortlisted ideas into a possible solution/s.
Storyboards are great for creating a low-fidelity (low tech) narrative that focuses on people and their actions, thoughts, goals, emotions, and relationships.